- Dr. Morten Stickler. Anchor ice formation and habitat choice of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.) parr in steep streams. Finished 2008.
- Dr. Hans-Petter Fjeldstad. Migration of Atlantic salmon through barriers. Finished 2012
- Dr. Mulugeta Bereded Zelelew. Improving Runoff Estimation at Ungauged Catchments. Finished 2012
- Dr. Haregwoin Haile Chernet. Design Flood computation in the presence long-term climate variability Finished 2013
- Dr. Solomon Bogale Gebre. Climate change impacts on winter hydrological regimes. Finished 2014
- Dr. Roser Casas Mulet. Dynamics of dewatering and flooding during hydropeaking. Finished 2014
- Dr. Netra Prasad Timalsina. Impacts of hydropeaking on river ice in a changing climate. Finished 2014
- Dr. Teklu Tesfaye Hailegeorgis. Identification of spatially distributed precipitation-runoff response routines for hourly simulation in gauged and ungauged basins. Finished 2015
- Dr. Ashenafi Seifu Gragne. Updating of hydrological models for improved inflow forecasts into hydropower reservoirs. Finished 2015
- Dr. Yisak Sultan Abdella. Quantitative Estimation of Precipitation from Radar Measurements. Finished 2016
- Dr. Tor Haakon Bakken. Water consumption in hydropower. Finished 2016
- Dr. Ana Adeva Bustos. A modelling framework to support environmental design in regulated rivers. Finished 2019
- Dr. Marcell Szabo-Meszaros. Methods to safeguard downstream migration of salmonids past hydropower structures. Finished 2019
- Dr. Kuganesan Sivasubramaniam. Evaluation and improvement of quantitative precipitation estimates for use in hydrological applications. Finished 2019
- Dr. Dr. Aynalem Tassachew Tsegaw. Storm Water Management in Small Catchments. Finished 2019
- Dr. Håkon Sundt. Remotely sensed data for bathymetric mapping and ecohydraulics modelling in rivers. Finished 2022.
- Dr. Einar Albert Rødtang. Ice and Ice Forces in Small Steep Rivers. Finished 2023
- Jo Halvard Halleraker Ecosystem based management - development of management tools and indicators for sustainable use of water and catchments. (planned defence 2025)
- Dr. D.P.Sangroula. Sedimentation and sustainability of the Kulekhani reservoir. A Himalayan case. Finished 2006. (Main supervisor: H. Støle)
- Dr. P. Borsanyi. A classification method for scaling river biotopes for assessing hydropower regulation impacts. Finished 2006 (Main supervisor: Å. Killingtveit)
- Dr. Ville Kasurinen. Linking water and carbon cycles: modeling latent heat exchange and dissolved organic carbon. University of Helsinki. Finished 2016. (Main supervisor: F. Berninger)
- Dr. Emmanuel Jjunju. Integrating climate change in hydropower planning in East Africa.Finished 2016 (Main supervisor: Å. Killingtveit)
- Dr. Dr. Erle Kristvik. Climate informed planning and design of urban water systems. Finished 2020. (Main supervisor: TM. Muthanna)
- Dr. Elhadi M.H. Abdalla. Hydrologic performance modelling of green roofs using conceptual and data-driven modelling tools. Finished 2023. Main supervisor: TM Muthanna
- Dr. Nitesh Godara. Hydrodynamic rainfall-runoff modelling for flash floods in small and steep catchments. Finished 2024. Main supervisor: O Bruland
- Dr. Adina Moraru. Optimization of hydraulic models for the visualization of flash floods in steep rivers. Finished 2024. Main supervisor: O Bruland
- Thea Ingeborg Skrede. The implementation and design of safe floodways as stormwater management tools in a changing climate. Planned defence 2023. Main supervisor: TM Muthanna
- Mahmoud Kenawi. Footprints and Impacts of Renewable Energy: Pressure on Lands Under Growth. Planned defence 2025. Main supervisor: TH Bakken
- Saeid Shamsaliei. Using machine learning to classify riverscapes. Planned defence 2024. Main supervisor: Odd Erik Gundersen, Dept of computer science